Legal Break-In Book
I walked into an employment agency with the hopes of landing a position in a local law firm but the agency representative said it would be impossible to place me in any of the legal positions she had available because I lacked the necessary experience.
I asked her, “Then how do you get experience if no one will hire you?”.
She laughed. “I know, Leslie. It’s the ‘ol ‘Catch 22’ . You can’t get the job if you don’t have experience and you can’t get experience without the job.”
And, so I drove the 40 miles home feeling dejected but also filled with disbelief that this could be true. C’mon, there had to be a way to break into the field without legal experience.
So, I refused to take that first “No!” for my final answer and sent my cover letter and resume off once again.
Then the phone call came to come in for an interview!
Yes, I landed a job in the legal field as a receptionist/legal secretary in a very small, 3 attorney law firm. After handling 3 trials for one attorney, answering phones, buying office supplies & snacks for the firm, I felt it was time to move up. Did I think I would be hired for the position of paralegal with only 8 months’ experience?
Sure I did! I knew the skills I had learned in those 8 months and felt I could move up quickly.
And I did! In under one year I landed my first, full-fledged paralegal job.
I have to tell you, though, it wasn’t easy in those first days. So much to learn. There weren’t really any “how to” books on the market either to guide me on my way.
That’s why I wrote this book!
I have heard hundreds of stories about how my book, Legal Break-In has helped people understand how to enter the paralegal, legal assistant or legal secretary fields and it warms my heart. Check out the “Testimonials” page here.
This book is a manual for a better, more fulfilling and satisfying career. Legal Break-In starts with determining what skills are necessary to succeed in this field, how to determine which area of law fits you to a “T” and why, the single most important skills that can help you rise to the top level of your field, a “day in the life” of different types of paralegals and much, much more.
As you go through the journey of preparing for a job as a legal secretary or legal assistant/paralegal, you are going to discover in Legal Break-In what position uses your God-given instincts, how to develop the skills that are necessary to rise to the very top of your field, the duties required in several different areas of law and more.
My book is designed to be either carried with you as you go throughout your day or viewed on your smartphone in Kindle format to provide focus and inspiration as you move into your dream career.
When you start off on this path to the dream career, you will begin to see that you can live a better life even through all the hard work and challenges.
It’ll be one of the most rewarding journeys of your life!
P.S. Be sure to visit my YouTube channel right here. There are over 100+ videos there to assist you as you move forward into this very rewarding career.
Following is the Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: An Overview – the “Killer” Skills
Chapter 2: Visualize Your Dream Job – Writing Exercises
Chapter 3: What Area of Law is Right for Your Personality Type? (A Peek Inside)
Chapter 4: Transferable Skills (A Real Confidence Builder)
Chapter 5: “Killer Skills” You Absolutely Must Have
Chapter 6: Writing (Letters, Legal Documents, etc.)
Chapter 7: Attention to Detail (Follows Direction)
Chapter 8: Paralegal School – Yes or No?
Chapter 9: To Certify or Not to Certify (Paralegals)
Chapter 10: Software You Should Know (the “Basics”)
Chapter 11: Network Your Heart Out
Chapter 12: Cover Letter (Don’t Send Your Resume Off Without It!)
Chapter 13: Resume Tips
Chapter 14: Job Hunting (How to Market Yourself)
Chapter 15: A Day in the Life of a Law Firm Administrator
Chapter 16: The “Relaxed” Interview
Chapter 17: Salary Expectations
Chapter 18: “Shadowing” the Legal Secretary/Legal Assistant (What is a Typical Day Like?)
Chapter 19: After You Land Your First Legal Job
Chapter 20: Surviving the Law Firm Crash, Partnership Dissolution, Reduction of Business Income, etc.

Click here to purchase my book in paperback format or click here for Kindle format, Legal Break-In: Get That Legal Secretary, Legal Assistant or Paralegal Job!