Never Give Up – Time to Dream Big

The starter home my husband and I purchased many moons ago in the midwest needed a lot of upgrades. The carpet in the living room was threadbare, the kitchen was very small and you could only enter through the utility or living rooms. A garage was turned into a type of recreation room, however, the wall between the kitchen and rec room remained.
Well, not for long!
My hubby looked at me one day and said, “Would you be ok if I knocked that wall down?” I said, “Sure, it’ll help with the flow from room to room.” And voila! We placed a sheet over the doorway to the living room and he knocked down that wall.
Lo and behold…all of the electricals for the house ran through a large pipe and that presented a real challenge, indeed. Now, the wires would have to be rerouted, a breaker box installed, new ceiling, flooring, etc. Whew! All with very little money.
When I relayed this information to my Mom over the phone one day, she made a comment that stopped me in my tracks. She said, “You’ll never finish that project.” I said, “Oh, just watch. I’ll never give up.”
It was a defining moment for me, really.
I knew in time we would finish all of it…we would get there. And we did. When we had the money, we installed a floor – just the two of us. For the first time in my life, I held a paint roller and painted the kitchen while my hubby was away on a business trip. My husband called his grandfather in New Jersey (who had built his own home in Neptune, New Jersey) and asked for advice regarding the electrical upgrade and how to do it. Yep, he did it. Everything was completed and it took 4 years. Four years of scraping money together to buy the floor, paint, the conduit pipe for the wiring and more.
So, what is it that holds you back?
Are your family or friends telling you it can never be done?
Have you convinced yourself that you’ll never see that dream come true?
God gives each of us gifts to use to bless others. What is it that you’re good at? It’s time to explore!
Today’s the day to move that one foot forward toward the goal. Just one baby step at a time.
Take a moment to watch this video (click the link): Never Give Up !!