Frenemy or Bff?
In most families there are many different personality types. There are givers, takers, uplifters and downshifters. LOL!
The message that came thru loud and clear during my junior high and high school years was that nothing much was expected of me. Aside from learning how to clean the house and wash dishes, I was challenged to achieve passing grades in school and that’s about it. No honor roll needed, no plans for college.
Oh, and there was a definite pressure to be thin. Thin equaled success.
I set out with the prescribed goals in mind and as a result, did not strive for excellence. Middle ground was enough.
As I entered my twenties, the desire for something more began to rise up within me. I began to question my own spirituality and the desires God had placed in my heart to write and to minister to others.
So after taking some of life’s detours and traveling down paths that were not at all beneficial to me (poor relationships, bad diets, no direction), I came to know Jesus as my Savior. The experience was a total compass reset.
So, where are you in your life’s journey right now?
Do you feel lost at sea?
Stories to tell but no one to tell them to?
I’m here to tell you that there is One who adores you. He gave His life for you, stands by your side and His name is Jesus. Give Him your heart and soul today.
He’s your true BFF.