Facebook Reconnects You With Family and Friends
Facebook membership has allowed me to reconnect with family and friends I haven’t seen or spoke to in years.
Here’s how it happened:
A few years ago, someone asked to connect with me on LinkedIn. When I placed her name in Google, it was clear that this lady was busy with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn! She was an independent paralegal. By simply placing her name in Google, I was able to see what she was doing to promote her business.
Facebook was one of the tools she used to not only build her business but also to keep in touch with family and friends.
Honestly, I hadn’t heard of Facebook. So, I joined up and after a search or two, quickly found several former high school classmates. Then, I reconnected with a wonderful childhood friend who went to elementary school with me in Paterson, NJ.
I began my own paralegal page on Facebook called “Paralegal Coffee Talk” and have met some wonderful people there. FYI: Feel free to stop by.
Long story short, after viewing the gorilla photos below, I began to think about how great it has been to reconnect with family, friends (LOL!) and also make new connections with people who have the same faith or interests that I do.
Has Facebook taken the place of meeting my family and friends in person?
In reality, our communication has increased. Just recently, I teamed up with other web designers to form a team and all connections were made on Facebook. Powerful, right?
Have you had the same result?
After you take a look at the link below, let me know how social media has impacted your life (whether it be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+). It’s made a huge, positive impact on my life!