Meeghan’s Testimony

Meeghans Testimony Meeghan’s testimony gives you an insider’s view into how an unwanted pregnancy can turn into a beautiful thing. Even without the support of some family members.

Why Can’t We?

Why Can’t We? Why is it so hard to forgive others? Why is it so difficult to forgive ourselves? Sometimes we face bitter disappointment. People let us down and sometimes we even let ourselves down. Listen to how God views “unforgiveness”…

Forgetting Your Past God’s Way

Forgetting Your Past God’s Way Are you hanging on to your past? Are you feeling suicidal? Do you feel like a failure? Does it feel like no one understands what you are going through? Listen to what Kasey Van Norman shares:

Buried in Brokenness

Buried in brokenness. I’ve been listening to Rick Warren and his wife speak regarding the loss of their son, Matthew, and how their strong faith is bringing them through. And then the killings at The Navy Pier. And the innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary. It can be overwhelming to watch the news at times.… Continue reading Buried in Brokenness

Waiting in the Water

Waitng in the Water There are things that prevent us from moving forward in life and I would venture to say that “fear” is one of the main reasons we stand still. What’s preventing you from moving forward toward the plan God has laid out for you? Do you doubt that He will “have your… Continue reading Waiting in the Water
